
Our financial services include providing funding to other orgs, workshops related to financial literacy, and overall maintain transparency with our funds.

Funding request procedure

steps to receive funding

Step One

Fill out our Funding Request Form below!

Step Two

Present your funding request presentation at our executive meeting.

Step Three

Receive a decision for your funding request.


Funding Request Form

Apply here

Interested in receiving funding for your organization?
Fill out this form to be considered for a funding request
(We will email you once we have received your funding request with further instructions)

Other funding sources


F&B Logo
AS Finance and Business
The Senate Finance and Business Committee is the financial arm of the A.S. Senate. It is responsible for all budget allocations of Associated Students and funding of organizations on and off-campus
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) provides funding for projects which “green” our campus and reduce the University’s impact on the environment. TGIF allocates funds to projects that increase the amount of renewable energy used on campus, increase energy efficiency, and reduce the amount of waste created (GHGs) by our University. Portions of the fund will support education initiatives, student aid (via return to aid), and internships. TGIF is administered through a student majority governance board.
AS Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee
A.S. SIRRC is a student-led organization on campus dedicated to supporting any under-resourced communities in pursuit of a higher education. If you or any other student group have any questions or like any assistance, such as event funding, further resources, or even a social media blast on our various online platforms, feel free to reach out to us at, we would be glad to help! Thank you!
AS Community Affairs Board
The AS/UCSB Community Affairs Board (CAB) is an official board of the Associated Students Legislative Council. CAB serves as UCSB’s Volunteer Action Center and is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of all UCSB Students by providing information and easy access to community service work. Through a wide range of external and internal projects and community programs, CAB seeks to augment classroom experiences, create opportunities for career exploration, connect UCSB to the community in a meaningful way, and promote the ethics of public service.
Coastal Fund
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)
The Coastal Fund provides funds to preserve, protect, and enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of the University of California, Santa Barbara through preservation, education, open access, research, and restoration. We accept proposals for major and minor grants during three funding cycles throughout the year, one per academic quarter, and critically review them for consistency to our mission statement, relevance to the student community, adherence to UCSB and Regental policy and benefit to the UCSB shoreline. Applicants fill out the grant forms and present their proposals at regular meetings which gives Board Members opportunities to ask specific questions to each applicant and learn about the project in detail, who then decide on funding. To learn more about the Coastal Fund and our funding policies, check out our website at
UCSB Graduate Student Association
The Graduate Student Association at UC Santa Barbara is the elected representative government that ensures graduate student concerns are addressed in campus and off-campus policy decisions through representations on campus-wide and system-wide.


Most frequent questions and answers

We will basically go over your funding request form that you filled out. As long as you can fill that form out you should be good.

If you are requesting funds from SCORE or any AS entity, DO NOT BEGIN PURCHASING UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED. This is very important since AS does not fund retroactively. If you spend money for your event before you have been approved for funding, you will not be reimbursed for the money you spent.

Shirts and other pieces of clothing are only allowed if they are related to different campaigns (i.e. shirts for mental health campaigns, shirts calling attention to certain issues, etc.) and must follow all sustainability standards for Associated Students.

After you have been approved, we will submit a requisition form on our end. Once our requisition form has been submitted, our work is done. On your end, you must have an AS Account (even if you are not an AS entity; if you do not have one you can request one by reaching out to AS Main). You must have at least two authorized signers for you board as well. To become an authorized signer, your org members must go through an authorized signers training. You can reach out to AS Finance & Business for more info regarding authorized signers. Finally, to access your funds, you must submit a requisition form for your organization. You will not be able to access your funds, even if we have approved you, without following these steps. Let us know if you have any questions or need additional support.

YES! We will be more than happy to help promote your events. This is one way we maintain a working relationship with orgs that do similar work to ours. Just provide us with a flyer closer to your event date.

Yes, however there are certain rules within the AS Financial Procedures. For example, you can only request max $500.00 for food per org per year. We will make sure that your request abides AS Financial policy.

Yes, however, any org traveling with AS funds must request permission to do so by AS Finance and Business. You can reach out to them to go about getting permission.

SCORE does not have a max amount you can request. Our goal is to get all orgs that come to us fully funded. However, because our funding for orgs is limited, we may ask that you also request from other orgs as well if you are solely requesting from SCORE. Further, depending on how many orgs come for funding, we may not be able to consider you for the full amount you requested.

You can request funds as early as you would like. We would prefer all orgs come at least two weeks before their event however we will consider your request no matter how early you are. We can’t fund any events that have already happened.

We are not allowed to purchase gifts with AS Funds. 

Feel free to reach out to us using our Contact Us page or send an email to the SCORE Chairs and we will forward your email to the appropriate position.

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